Thursday, October 28, 2021

My Top Five Good News Sources

AP(Associated Press News):The first good news source that I have used on several occasions is AP news. What makes Associated Press News a good news source is that it is a non- profit news organization and also it is not funded by the Government. Another reason why this is a good news source is that it is not biased and it generally does not favor a certain view of the world. According to what I have read on their blog, AP news is one of the most trusted news sources of fast, accurate, news in all formats. If anyone is curious about a certain topic or needs an update of the latest news, I recommend APnews because Ap news has been leading the media industry across the globe breaking news and covering the world's biggest stories for 170 years. Also, it has a dedicated staff of journalists who make sure that the stories that they are covering are accurate, not only that, but AP news has also won 56 Pulitzer prizes.

BBC(British Broadcasting corporation) :Another Good news source in my opinion is BBC news. The reason why I consider BBC news as a good news source is because according to my research, I have learned that BBC is considered to be the largest broadcast in the world. However, it is funded by the British government which is also funded by its organization. Like AP news, BBC also has a well earned reputation for accurate and unbiased reporting. I recommend BBC news for multiple reasons. One reason is that BBC news has its own editorial guidelines that apply to all of their content and their editorial guidelines are used in their newsrooms. Another reason why I recommend BBC news is that BBC news is open to acknowledging their mistakes. The most important and final reason why I recommend BBC news is because they tend to combine content from a variety of news outlets and also they carefully distinguish between reports that are factual instead of opinions.

C-SPAN( Cable-Satellite Public Affairs Network): Another good news source that I like is C-SPAN news because like, APnews and BBC news, it also provides unbiased news coverage of the US federal government, political events and also coverage from the UK, Canada and Australia.C-SPAN is a private and non-profit organization. I recommend C-SPAN news because according to what I have read on their website, they promote open and clear  dialogue between the public and their appointed government officials. Another reason why I recommend C-SPAN news is that it has regular coverage on the white house and departments of state briefings with the president. They also have grown on multiple social media platforms including Youtube, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter

.FAIR: if you are interested in media bias, then FAIR news is a good news source. FAIR is a media watch organization that offers constructive criticism on correcting media imbalance. FAIR is also an anti-censorship organization, and it works with activists and journalists and FAIR also challenges media bias and also exposes neglected stories, maintains regular dialogue with reporters at news outlets across the country. What also makes FAIR a good news source is that it encourages the public to contact the media with certain concerns that they may have

Google News : Google News is a good news source because it allows the user to discover current events, worldwide news, and diverse content from different publishers. What also makes google news a good source is that it allows the user to read content online or offline and the user is able to subscribe to specific news providers, and topics, personalize content and also allows the user to bookmark and share articles.

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