Sunday, November 14, 2021

blog post #3

5. Check on Governmental Power (aka Watchdog Role) — see Vince BlasiChecking Function of the First Amendment

     As Watergate, Irangate, Clintongate and all the other "gates" demonstrate, freedom of the press enables citizens to learn about abuses of power — and then do something about the abuse at the ballot box if they feel so moved. We, along with the press, are part of the check-and-balance system to restrain government power and abuse of power.



Based on discussions that we had in our previous classes about the Government, I think that this statement resonates with me the most. Based on some of the behaviors of some of our leaders that we had in the past, leads me to question some motives and ways of our government. I believe that power is obtained by a number of things which include social class, and most importantly, social influence of certain traditions. I feel that this statement is most important, because there are many examples of powerful tactics that  we see particularly in politics and in the government that some of us really do not want to discuss. Some of these power tactics include bullying, criticizing, demanding, and manipulation especially within the media. This particular statement is really personal to me because there are many examples of some of these powerful tactics that are in action even today. I believe that there have been many instances of power being exercised by the use of force and violence. The  tragic death of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor,  along with many other young African Americans who lives were taken in the hands of the police, the Black Lives Matter protests that occurred in Washington D.CThere was  an innumerous amount of force that was used, and Donald Trump , who was our president at the time, was so ignorant ,calling the BLM protestors an angry mob. However the incident that occured at the capitol, which was encouraged by president Trump, no force was used. However, I believe that this is a prime example of a leader that is very hostile, arrogant, and most importantly his biases and prejudices often appear in an image  of sexism, racism, and other discriminatory behavior that was unjustified. I also believe that presidentTrump and his administration  caused incitement which means,speech that causes violence or lawless action. I also believe that Trump caused  Racial divide.  According to the “Economist Education Article, there are ways in which the  abuse of power can be avoided by showing empathy and compassion to a certain topic, building a system of review by putting in place a structure that holds executives accountable for their actions which also can help to prevent  the corruption that can accompany  power and most importantly listening to critics. I also believe that forming an understanding that raising feelings, and becoming aware of those feelings can also be beneficial as well. 

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