Wednesday, December 1, 2021

blog post #5 ANTIWAR


Exploring these two websites, lead me to believe that in most cases when it comes to mainstream news, there is a certain agenda that is pushed that oftentimes comes across as biased.This further explains why certain news websites such as Google News, along with other news websites, pushes certain topics that then become available to us as viewers. Looking at and the American Conservative website, there were several things I noticed about the writers.

On one of the websites was an article called. “Remember Pearl Harbor, Mr President”? Written by Douglas Macgregor, former advisor to the secretary of Defense in the Trump Administration, carefully breaks down the history of Pearl Harbor which includes dates of certain events that occurred. Throughout this article, Macgregor questions president Biden’s policy positions on Eastern Ukraine and Taiwan. However underneath this article I noticed that there were some interesting comments that were made about this particular subject. One viewer pointed out how European allies see Russian troop concentration in Eastern Ukraine as a confirmation for approaching Russian invasion. The reason why we did not hear about these issues is because the media, along with the government, chooses what we should and should not know in regards to the way our government operates based on news that we see on television everyday. The reason why we seek obscure websites in order to hear strong antiwar voices, is because the writers have views that need to address some of the questionable motives behind the American government.

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