Friday, December 10, 2021

blog post 9

The internet 


           Today many people use the internet for so many reasons such as, communication with family and friends, research and so much more. The internet has transformed the digital and communications world. The internet also helped set the stage for new inventions such as the telephone, radio, and computers.


          People become early adaptors to the internet because the internet overtime has changed the way people see the world. The internet allows people to have access to new and innovative ideas. Not only that, but the internet has a big influence on the way we communicate with one another. However, some people become late adaptors to the internet which in most cases are connected to age. Some people who grew up in a time where social media such as Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, did not exist, may not fully understand the uses of the internet and its popularity, which causes them to express concern or strongly dislike the internet. However, there are some consequences of the internet. When it comes to the internet, it can be very addictive causing people to do less communicating and more texting and keeping up with social media, which further explains why there is an increase of mental health issues. Other consequences of the internet include lack of sleep, which can affect productivity, mood, energy levels, and focus. Spending most of your time on the internet can also lower your self-esteem. When we spend too much time on social media, we often compare ourselves to other people. Positive advantages of the internet is that there is an enormous amount of information that is easily accessible to us in a matter of minutes. The internet is also used as a tool to connect almost the entire world together. The internet is also convenient and most importantly the internet offers many different platforms that allows you to share with the world.

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